A Ritual is a Moment of Meaning
Ritual Design is about the creation of a sacred experience,
of a moment of meaning
for reflection, emotion, transition and celebration.
Rituals bring our focus to that which unites us over that which divides us, for rituals almost always arise from universal human experience.
We are born, we live, we love and we die.
We sleep, we wake, we eat and we work.
We create and we clear, we build and destroy.
We begin a new chapter, we make a new home, letting go of a person, a project, a place.
We say goodbye to a loved one, we graduate school, we learn to feel grief and our gratitude grows.
We welcome the newborn and remember the dead, as we turn through our seasons, within and without.
From the everyday to the once in a lifetime, no matter what our values and beliefs, honouring the transitions of life, love and death with a ritual, a moment that offers us a container, is an impulse as ancient as humankind itself.
We are, and have always been, creatures of ritual, but in these times of uncertainty and unprecedented challenge, where the secular and the spiritual coexist alongside a plethora of faiths, we can create rituals that are at once meaningful and relevant, unique and yet universal.
Why do we need ritual?
Human beings have created rituals to mark milestones and honour transitions since the dawn of time.
From the everyday to the once in a lifetime, no matter what our values and beliefs, honouring the transitions of life, love and death with a ritual, a moment that offers us a container, is an impulse as ancient as humankind itself.
We are, and have always been, creatures of ritual, but in these times of unprecedented uncertainty, where the secular and the spiritual coexist alongside a plethora of faiths, we can create rituals that are at once meaningful and relevant, unique and yet universal.
Ritual is an art form that exists in no single medium, other than that of experience itself.
Ritual incorporates words and music, flavours and colours, sounds and silence, the individual and the collective. It is both ancient and modern, fundamental to human existence and yet constantly being reinvented.
This work is about the creation of meaningful, magical and memorable moments that have the power to move our hearts and connect us to ourselves and each other, sharing in those universal experiences that unite us all.
I work with individuals, companies, and organisations, to create bespoke rituals that honour all kinds of unique transitions, marking our milestones with moments of meaning.
I have worked with Google, the World Economic Forum, L’Oreal and the UN, and am a visiting lecturer on ritual design at UAL and Bristol University. I collaborate with world-leading neuroscientists, quantum physicists and chemists to create experiences that shift our perspective to see the magic in the mundane.
I also consult for global brands on rituals for beauty, food, wellbeing and luxury travel, and my Tedx talk ‘Why we still need ritual’ is about the art of celebrating the transitions of life, love and death and has had over 28k views.
Individual Rituals
Our unique journey sometimes calls for a bespoke ritual to help us cross a threshold, whatever it may be.
From turning 40 with a powerful process of reflection and intention, to leaving behind a career we have loved but outgrown, to marrying oneself in a commitment to being all that we can be, one to one Ritual Design is as varied and rich as the stories of our lives.
Rituals For Brands
I design rituals for world leading organisations as well as academic institutions, creating sacred experiences with to generate deep insight and profound connection.
From a ritual for L’Oréal New York in collaboration with a neuroscientist, to guiding a group of global CEOs to find magic portals in the forest, I both consult and create bespoke rituals for wellbeing, wisdom and organisational change.
Digital Rituals
The human centred design of digital rituals can create real connection in our ever more virtual lives.
From a ritual VR experience in collaboration with the Intangible Realities Laboratory, to a remote graduation ceremony for the students of the University of the Arts London, the 21st century brings us new challenges as well as new tools in the creation of moments of meaning.